Game look


We are currently looking for a programmer and a producer to join our team and help us make this banger playground universe game called curiosmos. You'll be working with me, Céline Veltman, Guillaume Pauli and Pepijn Willekens.

Here is a first look of the game:

We're looking for someone that is:

Interested? Send an e-mail to:
Include something about yourself and your previous experience with game development, and let me know if you have any questions!


Imagine building your own planet, floating around in your own solarsystem. Change the planet by bombarding it with builiding blocks you collected in the asteroid belts. Give it a gravitational field, add an atmosphere, shape the terrain, add life!?
Then you can imagine multiple little planets, all with their own unique, size, position, satellites, composition and character.

So basically it is a sandbox game or digital playground, with tamagotchi like elements. I hope that sounds as cool as it actually is, and if you're not convinced -> I wrote more about it

Game look [06.06.22] quick concept art of the surface gameplay


Some time after receiving your message:
-> I'll arrange a meeting (digitally or in Antwerp/Utrecht with coffee) to explain more details about the game, the development and funds, and of course to answer all your questions.
-> Then I'll ask you to make a small assignment to test your skills and get a gist of how you go to work.
-> If that all goes well and we have an agreement you can join the amazing team and help building this unique game!

[25.09.19] here you can see a responsive planetoid, reacting emotionally to the (supernova) particles, the old prototype that I made